internal package Foswiki::Plugins::BeautifierPlugin::HFile

internal package BeautifierPlugin::HFile

Base class and object instance factory for Beautifier Language Syntax Highlighter definitions. This class was originally derived from Mike Jewell's Beautifier: Flexible Syntax Highlighter package written in PHP.

StaticMethod getLanguage( $topic, $lang ) → $HFile

Factory method that loads the submodule for the requested language definition and instantiates and returns a handler object for it.

  • $topic - the web.topic of the topic being processed
  • $lang - the language specifier for the desired language definition

Returns: the language definition object on success or undef on failure

ClassMethod new( $class ) → $HFile

Contructor for the abstract BeautifierPlugin::HFile superclass.

  • $class - the invocant (i.e., the class being instantiated into an object)

Returns: a reference to the newly instantiated object

_warning( $topic, $msg )

Log a warning and debug message. The topic is prepended to the message.

  • $topic - the web.topic being processed
  • $msg - the message text to write to the warning and debug logs

_debugEntryPoint( $topic, $func, $args )

Write a function entry message to the debug log if debug logging is enabled. The topic is prepended to the message.

  • $topic - the web.topic being processed
  • $func - the name of the function being logged
  • $args - a reference to a hash containing the arguments passed to $func

_debug( $topic, $msg )

Write the supplied message to the debug log if debug logging is enabled. The Perl package name and topic are prepended to the message.

  • $topic - the web.topic being processed
  • $msg - the message text to write to the debug log

Topic revision: r1 - 27 Feb 2018, UnknownUser
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