PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS -- list of plugin descriptions


    • SpreadSheetPlugin (20 Jan 2017, 1.23): Add spreadsheet calculations like "$SUM($ABOVE())" to Foswiki tables and other topic text
    • SlideShowPlugin (06 Sep 2016, 2.32): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings
    • AutoTemplatePlugin (27 Apr 2022, 7.10): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE, EDIT_TEMPLATE and PRINT_TEMPLATE
    • AutoViewTemplatePlugin (2016-04-08, 1.24): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE
    • BeautifierPlugin (1.0, $Rev: 7136 (2010-04-09) $): Provides the %CODE% and %ENDCODE% macros to display code fragments with formatting and syntax highlighting for improved readbility in wiki topics.
    • BreadCrumbsPlugin (21 Jan 2024, 4.01): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
    • CommentPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 2.93): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle
    • CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (1.114, 1.114):
    • ConfigurePlugin (08 Dec 2017, 1.09): configure interface using json-rpc
    • DBCachePlugin (2 May 2019, 12.11): Lightweighted frontend to the DBCacheContrib
    • DiffPlugin (20 Oct 2020, 3.10): Compare difference between topics and revisions
    • EditChapterPlugin (12 Nov 2019, 5.00): An easy section editing facility
    • EditRowPlugin (5 Feb 2018, 3.321): Inline edit for tables
    • FilterPlugin (25 Oct 2018, 5.30): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
    • FlexFormPlugin (21 Nov 2019, 6.01): Flexible way to render DataForms
    • FlexWebListPlugin (28 May 2018, 2.10): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
    • GoogleMapsPlugin (12 Nov 2019, 3.12): Google Maps for Foswiki
    • GridLayoutPlugin (12 Nov 2019, 3.31): A 12er grid system for responsive layouts
    • HistoryPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.14): Shows a complete history of a topic
    • HomePagePlugin (1.23, 1.23): Allow User specified home pages - on login
    • ImagePlugin (26 Oct 2020, 10.00): Image and thumbnail services to display and alignment images using an easy syntax
    • InterwikiPlugin (8 Dec 2017, 1.25): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
    • JQGridPlugin (30 Aug 2017, 2.61): jQuery grid widget for Foswiki
    • JQueryPlugin (2 May 2019, 9.10): jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki
    • ListyPlugin (02 Jul 2019, 3.10): Fancy list manager
    • MailerContribPlugin (2.84, 2.84): Supports e-mail notification of changes
    • MetaDataPlugin (30 Jan 2019, 6.00): Bring custom meta data to wiki apps
    • MimeIconPlugin (13 Dec 2018, 3.12): Icon sets for mimetypes
    • MultiLingualPlugin (16 Jul 2018, 4.10): Support for a multi lingual Foswiki
    • NatEditPlugin (25 Feb 2018, 9.21): A Wikiwyg Editor
    • NatSkinPlugin (12 Feb 2019, 6.00): Support plugin for NatSkin
    • PreferencesPlugin (1.16, 1.16): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
    • RedDotPlugin (12 Sep 2015, 4.11): Quick-edit links
    • RenderListPlugin (2.28, 2.28): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
    • RenderPlugin (14 Feb 2019, 6.00): Render WikiApplications asynchronously
    • SmiliesPlugin (17 Sep 2015, 2.03): Render smilies like smile as icons
    • SubscribePlugin (08 Dec 2017, 3.6): This is a companion plugin to the MailerContrib. It allows you to trivially add a "Subscribe me" link to topics to get subscribed to changes.
    • TablePlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.160): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
    • TinyMCEPlugin (1.31, 1.31): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
    • TopicInteractionPlugin (26 Nov 2018, 8.20): Improved interaction with attachments and DataForms
    • TopicTitlePlugin (14 Aug 2018, 1.02): Free-form title for topics
    • TwistyPlugin (1.63, 1.63): Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically
    • UpdatesPlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.04): Checks for updates
    • WebLinkPlugin (2 Jun 2018, 2.00): A parametrized %WEB macro
    • WysiwygPlugin (08 Dec 2017, 1.37): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors

Topic revision: r1 - 27 Feb 2018, UnknownUser
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